Beautiful Summer

Arriving at the airport, I was pleasantly surprised by the humidity in the air of Halifax. I thought it'd be much chillier than this, but it seems like that I will be able to swim a lot during this stay.

Nova Scotia feels home to me, much more so than Toronto. Partly because my husband's family is from here, and partly because I have spent so much time here every year since 2010. We travelled quite a bit in this province, and I really love it.

Going through the airport, I noticed a couple of things that made me feel that I am a bit more "Torontonian" than before. First of all, the pace of walking. I noticed myself walking way faster than those around us, and got frustrated with people who were slowing the flow by chatting while walking. When did I grow so impatient? The other thing was that I felt awkward not seeing other Asian people in the room, surrounded by mostly Caucasian people.

My mother-in-law moved to Lunenburg last month, so I'm writing this blog in our bed room of her new house. When I was on the patio a few hours ago, a humming bird busily flew by and greeted me. The yellowish green in her wings flickered in the sunset and illuminated beautifully. The salt water smell in the air tells me that I'm right by the ocean, and by that alone, I feel energized and happy.

I saw that familiar dark blue of the ocean from the car window on the way back from dinner. Tomorrow, I'm getting up early and explore the new neighbourhood with my camera. Oh, it's so good to be here. In this quiet room, with the presence of the ocean right below our eyes, I finally feel that the summer is here. It has just begun and I already love it.

I can't type in Japanese now since my computer hasn't been set up for this new house, but  I will try to write in Japanese next time.


  1. 義母さまLunenburgに引越しされたのですね。


    1. こんにちは!コメントありがとうございます。トロントとペースが本当に違うので、最初はいつも戸惑いますが、もとが田舎出身なのですぐにのんびーりしちゃいます。ここ大好きです!うちの義母は引っ越しが趣味みたいな人なので、今度はどこに行くのやらわかりませんが、続く限りルーネンバーグの滞在を楽しみたいと思います。


